Private Driving Instructor

General Information
-$60/hour for weekdays
-$60/hour for weekends
-Testing fee: $250
One time enrolment fee: $100
Lesson Timing: Flexible
Area: Woodlands
Pick up & drop off point: Admiralty MRT
Car transmission: Manual
Car model: Toyota Vios

*Also provides refresher course, contact for more info.

Instructor Profile
Patrick Ong

-Able to converse in English and Chinese
-Very patient and flexible
-Has taken students from various race and age -Keeps record of students performance and progress
-Ensure that adequate practice is given to all
Experience: Over 30 years
Passing rate: More than 75% pass in 1st and 2nd attempt
Contact number:


  1. Patrick is an exeptional driving instructor. His patience, coupled with years of experience, has enabled me to pass my practical test pretty quick. To be exact, only 11 lessons with Patrick was all it took. I highly recommend patrick to anyone who wishes to take driving lessons soon.

  2. Patrick is a very patience and well experience driving instructor. With the help given from him i am able to pass my TP test with the first try. I highly recommend anyone who wanted take driving lesson to look for patrick. Becasue he is really a good driving instructor.

  3. Great driving instructor, very patient, very easy to understand, simple flexible timings, got my license in 3 months, passing on my first attempt with him!

  4. Passed my practical test on the first try with patrick's experienced driving coaching skill. He's a patience instructor where he don't yell at his student's mistakes when committed and none negative comments is given by him as unlike some other instructor when multiple mistakes were done. Well done Patrick.


  5. In my course of learning driving, I used to have a money minded and irresponsible instructor . A friend of mine, recommended me to change instructor to Patrick. Patrick is a very patient instructor whom correct student mistakes not by scolding, but reminding. Under his guidance, i feel stress free, and i pass my driving test under him. Last of all, i guess everyone picks private because of the price issue, he keeps record of the lesson, so he will know where the lessons stops. hence do not need to spend extra $$ to learn over n over again.

  6. Patrick is a very patience instructor. He will never yell at his students, but remind them. I managed to pass my TP in my first attempt by taking less than 10 lessons with him!! His guidance will always be remembered everytime I'm on the road now.
    I will strongly recommend Patrick to anyone who wishes to take driving lessons.
    Well Patrick, thank u very much once again.

  7. Patrick is very patience instructor whom will not compare you with other students.Despite I had fail 5 attempts at Ubi with other Instructor, he keep on encourgage me which make me drive with more confidence. Under his guidance, I feel stress free and pass my TP.I will strongly recommend Patrick as your driving instructors if you wish to take driving lessons. Once again, I would like thanks Patrick for his guidance.

  8. In my personal opinion, a good driving instructor need to 3 qualities:
    1) Ability to identify clearly students' mistakes and correct them accordingly.
    2) Have the consistence patience to coach students, despite the amount of mistakes made.
    3) Motivational spirit

    Patrick has certainly possess the above qualities. For me, I pass my TP on 2nd attempt despite my busy work schedules.

    Good work Patrick for fulfilling my greatest wish. Thank you very much.

  9. patrick, a good and attentive instructor. He never fails to be at his best when coaching. He uses a friendly way of teaching.

    And the most important thing, I passed on my first attempt! Thanks Patrick, for your 100% commitment to your teaching!

  10. Hello Mr Ong, thank you for your guidance in teaching me how to drive. I'm glad to have you as my instructor, one who is serious at teaching yet friendly at the same time, and also with the power to motivate one into being calm and believing that one can pass.

    Needless to say, I passed on my first attempt. =]

    So, to anyone out there who is looking for a private instructor and is reading this right now, look no further.

    P.S: Thank you Mr Ong! Thanks for helping me achieve something which can last for a lifetime =]



  12. If you're looking for a fun, friendly, approachable & patience instructor then Patrick is the one!

    Throughout the months, taking driving lesson from him had been enjoyable. He never failed to accompany the lessons with conversation on everything & anything under the sun! Just like a father to me :) I have just passed my TP today & I'm really grateful for his guidance! (P.s My bf also passed last week with 1 attempt!) My bf & me will miss you, Patrick! No more seeing you on our weekends & no more stories to listen already :( Once again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Coffee sometime? :D

  13. I switched instructor from my previous one to Mr Patrick due to some issues. My friend, Syazwani reccommended Mr Patrick.

    After months of having practical lessons, finally, i passed my TP on my 2nd attempt.

    Much thanks to my friend and Mr Patrick. He's really a dedicated and passionate instructor. He'll point out your mistakes and weakness and correct it and always keep on reminding on how to correct those mistakes.

    Apart from that, he really encourages one driver to practise till perfect with those motivational words.

    Thankyou Mr Patrick, i will never forget you and your teachings, you're really a good instructor that one can look up to.

    I will reccommend you to other students, trust me. I never regret changing instructor to Mr Patrick. :)

  14. Previously i had friends learning driving from other instructors but they always complain how fierce their instructors were and how stressful is learning driving. Thus, I came prepared to recieve the same treatment on the first day of my lesson.

    However, first lesson with Mr patrick was stree-free, enjoyable and under such condition it definitely enables me drive with my mind at ease. During the subsequent lessons, I found out that Mr patrick is very patience and he don't shout or discourage you at all. When you performed good, he will say :"that's right.. Good job... Well done..." All these motivational words had definitely boost my confidence. Even on my actual test itself, I still don't get any stress from him but all he does is to use his motivational words to boost my confidence.


    Thank you Mr patrick, it was really a pleasure to be your student and be taught under your guidance!!! All the best Mr Patrick.. :D

    People out there looking for a superd instructor, Mr Patrick is your pick! :)

  15. Mr Ong has been a very kind and patient instructor. He never scolds and never condemn. He will always encourage me and believe in me that I will pass. Driving is never stress with him around. I will miss having him beside me when I drive. He is definitely the cutest instructor one can ever find! If you're looking for an instructor he is the choice!

  16. Hey all, A must to learn driving from Patrick......... Trust me! He is a fantastic instructor..... Patience and jovial!
    I learn my lesson and passed through his great teaching and forbearance 20yrs ago. I am so happy that I finally found him via google and I am taking my refresher course from him

  17. I passed my driving test on the first attempt after only 16 lessons and 3 months! I am really grateful to Mr Ong for his watchful but stress-free guidance and humorous chatter during lessons. It was his faith in me that gave me the confidence to pass the test! THANK YOU MR ONG!!!

    Cheers, Jie Qi

  18. One of the grateful 1st attempt passer just like many of the others under the guidance of Mr Patrick Ong. I'm lucky I came across this site and found him. If you are looking for affirmation, then look no further. Highly recommended as he will point out your mistakes and advise the proper techniques/methods as well as answers all your queries. Flexible, easy going and funny at times, he keeps your confidence high throughout all the driving lessons. Thank you Mr Ong for the 3 months of stress free coaching filled with fun stories.


  19. Mr Ong is a very patient and kind instructor. I got to know him thru a friend's recommendation and i didn't regret joining. Although it took me 2 times to pass, i still think it's very satisfactory, thinking about how hard it actually is to pass TP in Singapore! He gives advice about driving and his fees are reasonable, under his coaching, one will sure do well in the test! I'm going to recommend him to my friends who stay around SSDC/woodlands area! Thanks mr ong for being such a good instructor

    John Lee

  20. Mr Ong is a very patient and reliable driving instructor. Highly recommended him who stay around SSDC/woodland area! He will encourage you well when u r learn. I had passed my TP since Nov 2013. Thanks so much mr ong for being such a good instructor.

    Darrell Zhang

  21. Mr Partick Ong is a very reliable and patient driving instructor.Highly Reccommeded driving instructor !!! When you are learning he will encourage you well. I had pass my TP since Nov 2013. Thanks so much mr ong you are best instructor.

    Darrell Zhang

  22. Your blogs and every other content are thus interesting and helpful it makes me return back again. driving school website



  24. Hi would like to ask if I am a ssdc students that has completed all subjects required by school can I book a private instructor for revision for tp test?cauz my situation now is that I fail the first attempt tp test and I thinkin to so call book a private instructor(without converting to private still remain as ssdc student) in order to save cost

  25. Mr Patrick is a awesome driving instructor. He is very patient, understanding and an experienced tutor. I'm proud to learn under him and I encouraged all driving wannabees to learn from him! Thank You Mr Patrick!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Mr. Patrick is an exceptional instructor with patience and doesn't reprimand you for your mistakes. I would encourage students who has road fear or suffering from a lack of confidence to be taught under his wings. Most driving instructors out there loses patience with you after a couple of lessons, but with patrick, he will ensure that you learn from your mistakes before teaching you something else. Got my license under him and nuff said! Good luck guys!

  28. I had two instructors before Mr Patrick and they were both extremely impatient when I did not learn as fast they demanded, despite giving my best effort every lesson.
    I was then very fortunate to find Mr Patrick as he was ALWAYS in a pleasant mood, encouraging and patient. Classic example of teaching with love, not by the old school way. I also like that his lessons are 1hr instead of 1.5hr, as he emphasizes on quality over quantity. Shorter lessons do not come at the expense of having more lessons than if under other instructors. His rates are perfectly reasonable too!
    I am grateful to have passed on my first attempt because I switched to him. If someone tells you an instructor who does not scold his students is probably a slack and lousy one, make an exception right now because Mr Patrick has proven otherwise!

  29. Dear Mr. Ong, I am truly honoured to be one of your “graduated” students. I would like to shout out a BIG “Thank You” to you!
    Your methodology of teaching “how to handle the vehicle” to “how to control the vehicle efficiently” was delivered clearly and the constant reminders had been helpful for amateur learners.
    As a veteran driving instructor, you have made good efforts to keep abreast with the latest testing information, booking systems updates (for students) and learning styles of your students. You are definitely a role-model!
    Your patience, observant and humor are winning characteristics of being a people-person. You had delivered not only driving lessons but given courage and motivation to us. Thank you so much, Sir!

  30. Mr Patrick is a very experience and good instructor. A recommended instructor to all. Thank you for your teaching and guidance throughout my driving until i passed my 2nd try. You have been patience with my driving. I appreciated it very much and thank you again.

  31. Dear Mr Ong, THANK YOU ! I am happy to have you as an instructor. Passed in 5 Months !
    Although you are sometimes forgetful, but it has been a great journey.
    I passed on my 2nd try !
    Price and rates are reasonable too. Will encourage you if you did well, will lecture you if you did badly.


  32. Patrick is an exellent driving instructor. Very patient and friendly. Always chit-chat with you, encourage you. Doesn't scold you when you make a mistake. Instead, he will keep reminding you until you get it right. Lessons with him are fun and no stress at all.

  33. Mr Patrick Ong is a very patience and excellent instructor! He is always constantly encouraging his students and he believes in all his students in doing well for their TP test! Lessons with him are always fun and stress-free! I've passed my TP test on my second attempt with only 8pts! He displayed all the criterias in a good driving instructor! Don't need to think twice anymore, he is the one you are looking for!

    Thank you Mr Ong! It has been an enjoyable journey learning how to drive from you! Definitely will recommend a lot of my friends to learn from you! :)

  34. Mr Patrick is a exceptional driving instructor. I've managed to pass my TP in just one attempt after taking 14 lessons with him. He is very experienced and extremely patient. Lessons with Mr Patrick are always fun and stress-free. I've learnt a lot from him within this short time frame and I will not hesitate to recommend him to anybody who needs a driving instructor.

    Under his guidance, you will get your driving license in no time.

    Thank you Mr Patrick!

  35. Mr Ong is a patience, friendly, caring and most importantly an experienced driving instructor. He provides excellent and juicy tips for you to pass your TP! He is a funny guy and sometimes tends to be a bit naggy(not scolding) when you make mistakes but nonetheless lesson with him was enjoyable and fun!

    Manage to pass my TP within 3 months on second try! Failed on first attempt was purely due to my negligent. Give him a try! You won't regret it.

    Thanks Mr Ong!

    Best Regards,
    Ming Yao

  36. Uncle Patrick is one of the best private instructors around for SSDC. He is very friendly and patient. He has many years of teaching experience and has many students under him who pass on their first try. I was quite lucky to get him as my first and last driving instructor after doing lots of researching online. He is very knowledgeable and teaches you exactly what you should know to pass the exam. He also caters the lessons to your needs and focuses on where you're weak at. In addition, he is very willing to book circuit lessons for you unlike some other instructors.

    Comparing to learning at schools, learning under Uncle Patrick is definitely cheaper and faster! I would definitely recommend him to all my friends and you netizens out there.

    Last but not least, I would like to thank Uncle Patrick for your invaluable guidance for the last 4 months. And do take care and not to overwork yourself! :D

  37. Im so glad I had Mr Ong as my driving instructor. He made my lessons fun and enjoyable :) He is very approachable and easy to talk to and he makes me feel at ease every lesson. He does not reprimand you even if you keep repeating certain mistakes; he knows how to spot them and correct you without stressing you out. Not only that, he is full of praises whenever you do something right! This is the kind of guidance a student needs. Needless to say, I managed to pass on my first try after taking 16 lessons. He is extremely patient and kind and I highly recommend choosing Mr Ong as your driving instructor.

    Thank you Mr Ong! :)

    1. Hello is he a reliable instructor?

    2. Great instructor! Very patient. I get to drive on the road on my very first lesson today.

    3. But the price is it still the same as above?

    4. i can't seem to contact the instructor..

  38. Patrick was very patient with me, passed on my first time with him after switching instructors! He gave me confidence and positive feedback. Highly recommended!

  39. Does he still do private lesson?

    1. Yes he still does! :) Registration for 2017 is open, do contact Patrick to secure your 1st lesson.

  40. Hi, I can't seem to find Mr. Ong on here:

  41. hello, I would like for my picture to be remove. pls revert asap in private via email.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Found out about him by this very site , As a experienced driver, i am not immune to mistakes and Mr Patrick always gives me the confidence and is always full of praises when you get it right.
    Always patient whenever i make mistakes and always gives words of encouragement and i never once felt pressure by him. (Never raised his voice even once throughout)
    Took My Test Today and i managed to pass (My 1st Attempt)
    Thanks for all your guidance and patience when teaching me !
    Highly recommended! Actually don't have to look any further, I guarantee this is the best you can find around in SSDC :D

  45. Uncle Patrick is super experienced in his field and most of his students pass within first two tries! Nothing beyond that. I chose him initially because his lesson prices are probably one of the lowest in the market and he doesn't keep trying to hard sell and encourage his students to take more lessons to earn your money. BEST EVER, thanks uncle patrick!!!

  46. Mr Ong is a patient instructor who prioritises the cultivation of his students' confidence in driving over anything else. I was his student for around 8 weeks, and never did he once screamed/shouted at me for the mistakes I made, no matter how severe it may be (I did a u-turn in gear 4 before but he did not raise his voice. Instead, he told me my mistake and told me to take note.). He focuses more on my good points and praise me on them, instead of harping on my weaknesses. As the lessons pass I could feel my confidence skyrocketing , unlike my 2 lessons in SSDC school, where the instructors keep scolding/discouraging me with hurtful remarks.
    In addition, as mentioned by a few posts, he does not aim to earn as much money from his students as possible. Once he sees his students being capable enough to pass the test, he would push for it. For me, he told me to book my driving test on my second driving lesson!
    All in all, if you are looking for a patient instructor and aiming to pass your driving test as fast as possible, I would definitely recommend Mr Ong. The numerous blog posts above is a testament to his teaching ability, showing that his students learn fast and well under him, which made most of them pass on their first or second try.
    Thank you Mr Ong for your patient teaching, it was short but fun! And to the others aiming to pass their driving test/learning how to drive, all the best!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Thanks Pactrick patient and teaaching with me, passed on my first time on 28Nov2017...Reasonable price and positive feedback. Highly recommended!

  48. "Highly recommended privat driving instructor" May I ask if this is self-proclaimed? I'd like to think so. Patrick, if you are reading this, please try your best to get back to students who actually want to learn, rather than tickling your balls saying you are one of the best around. Taking several days to reply is a clear indicator that you're not interested in us providing you with business and if that is the case so be it.

  49. Very lucky for me to engage mr ong as my pdi! Mr ong is a reliable and patient instructor,just 10 lesson (4 circuit 6 road) with mr ong i Pass my tp (1st attempt) today! thank you Mr ong !!

  50. Hi edward,im wondering if mr ong still uses the same number? I cant seem to get through him, only one tick on whatsapp. Please reply, thankyou!!!��

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